Richard Olson
Tournament Team

I got started with disc golf in 2019, shortly after the passing of my father. It was like therapy for me in a way. At first, it was just going out and throwing some discs with my brother-in-law, and then we entered our first tournament, and I was hooked.

I met so many new friends and got better each time I went out because of the people I went out with. If it weren't for the people in this disc golf community, I'm not sure where I'd be today. After playing in the Big Sioux League and helping anyway I could there, I decided I wanted to start my own league, so I started Sioux Falls first Glow Disc golf league, Rip Razz Glow Crew.

My goals go beyond just a better score and distance; I want to be the guy on the course that anyone can approach and ask to join for a round. I want to be an ambassador for the sport like Scott Stokely and show that disc golf is more than just throwing frisbees.

As for competitively, my goals are to make it to the pro division on the local level, get to AM worlds one day, and play at NADGT nationals.

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